- Bakersfield City School District
- McKinney-Vento Program
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McKinney-Vento and Foster Youth Programs
These programs are part of the Student Services Department in the Bakersfield City School District. The programs identify students who lack a permanent residence (McKinney-Vento) or have been removed from their homes due to abuse and/or neglect (Foster).
These students are identified by staff and are afforded certain rights in order to assist them to succeed in school. The goal of these programs is to offer homeless and foster students the same educational rights and opportunities as other students.
Various services are provided for McKinney-Vento and Foster students:
- The right to stay at the same school for the duration of homelessness or foster status.
- Immediate enrollment in school.
- Automatic eligibility for the free and reduced meal program.
- McKinney-Vento students also receive school bus transportation to and from their school of origin even if they move out of the area during the school year.
These students often move or change foster care placements more than once during a school year. The main goals of the McKinney-Vento and Foster Youth Programs are to provide educational stability, equal access to public education, and academic success for these two populations of students within the Bakersfield City School District.
Student Residency Questionnaires (SRQ):
Do you ....
- Temporarily share housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason?
- Move around a lot ?
- Stay in motels/hotels or a shelter?
- Live in a vehicle or campground?
If you answered yes to any of the above, please complete the Student Residency Questionnaire below and one of our liaisons will reach out to you.
Student Residency Questionnaire Form: English
Cuestionario de residencia de estudiantes: Español
Shared Residence Affidavit - English
Declaración jurada de residencia compartida (Shared Residence Affidavit - Spanish)
McKinney-Vento Program Referral Form:
Please use the following form in the link below to refer a student that is in need of our services to the McKinney-Vento Program. It is to be completed by B.C.S.D Staff or an outside referring agency. Once completed, please email it to luquek@bcsd.com or fax to:(661) 861-0835. Thank You.
McKinney-Vento Referral 24-25
Student & Family Resources in the Community
B.C.S.D. School Health & Wellness
Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Bakersfield Regional Homeless Collaborative
National Center for Homeless Education
CAPK (Community Action Partnership of Kern)
Housing Authority of the County of Kern
City of Bakersfield Recreation & Parks
Greater Bakersfield League Assistance (GBLA)
Click image below for Food Basket Resources in the Community:
McKinney-Vento Program Staff:
Name | Title | Phone | |
Miguel Rodriguez | District Liaison | (661) 631-4910 Ext.13022 | Rodriguezmig@bcsd.com |
Karen Luque | Clerk | (661) 631-4910 Ext.13020 | luquek@bcsd.com |
Vacant | Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE) | (661) 631-4910 Ext.13021 | |
Idulia (Julie) Torres | Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE) | (661) 631-4910 Ext. 13023 | torresi@bcsd.com |
Lesly Guerrero | Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE) | (661) 631-4910 Ext. 14911 | guerrerol@bcsd.com |
Enrique Garcia | Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE) | (661) 631-4910 Ext.14637 | garciaenr@bcsd.com |
Shanice Simmons | Family and Community Engagement Liaison (FACE) | (661) 631-4910 Ext. 14899 | simmonss@bcsd.com |