Multi-Tiered System of Supports

  • The mission of the Bakersfield City School District Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is to assist schools and districts in establishing and maintaining school environments where the social culture and behavioral supports needed to be an effective learning environment are in place for all students.

  • SEL Resources for Parents
  • SEL Resources for Teachers and Support Staff
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework

    Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework for enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviorally important outcomes for all students. MTSS is defined by four inter-related elements:

    • OUTCOMES refer to what we want students to learn and do well, both academically and behaviorally. They are derived from data and guide decisions about what practices to select, and what systems might be needed to support the achievement of those outcomes.
    • DATA refers to information about where we are now and have been, and what evidence we know about something. Data supports decision-making in order to define where we want to go (outcomes), what we might use to get there (practices), and what we need to be effective and efficient at what we do (systems).
    • PRACTICES refer to what instructional and behavioral interventions, strategies, programs, curricula, etc. are used to achieve a stated outcome. In addition, the selection of practice is guided by the evidence (data) that are available to demonstrate the effectiveness of practice and the resources and supports needed for accurate and effective implementation (systems).
    • SYSTEMS refer to supports, resources, training, etc. that implementers would need to maximize their implementation of a given practice to achieve a specific outcome. A defining feature of MTSS is a prevention logic and mindset that is organized as a continuum of support.

    The premise of the MTSS mindset is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgment or feedback of clear, positive student behavior expectations will promote a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning. The BCSD model for MTSS consists of three tiers:

    Tier I – Establishment of school-wide universal expectations, rewards, and consequences along with proactive systems and structures that teach support, and reinforce universal expectations for all students in all locations.

    Tier II – Prescriptive, targeted interventions of moderate frequency, intensity, and duration for identified behaviorally at-risk students.

    Tier III – Prescriptive for students exhibiting chronic behaviors who are in need of intensive individualized instruction and support to facilitate the acquisition of replacement behaviors and adaptive skills.


    Social-Emotional Learning Resources For Teachers and Support Staff:

Contact Information

  • Dr. Tim Fulenwider
    Executive Director

    (661) 631-4872

    Laura Briones
    Administrative Secretary

    (661) 631-4654

    Liz Gonzalez

    MTSS Coordinator
    (661) 631-4665