English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)


    Purpose of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

    1. Advise the principal on matters pertinent to the district and school programs for English learners.
    2. Assist in the development of a School Needs Assessment.
    3. Review Attendance Policies and Procedures and advise the school on how to help parents see the importance of regular school attendance.
    4. Review and offer suggestions for the Individual School Plan. Elect a member for DELAC.

    Meetings will be held every quarter on the following dates at 2:30 p.m. in the Parent Center (Room 7).

    Dates Agenda Minutes
    September 28, 2023
      English   Spanish
    October 10, 2023
    ELAC Agenda
    November 16, 2023
    12.1.22  English   Spanish  
    February 14, 2024
    3.16.23 English    Spanish
    April 4, 2024
    4.25.23 English     Spanish



    1. The preferred option for commenting on a specific agenda item or for providing general public comment under Public Comments is to submit your comment via email delatorrea@bcsd.com to Ms. DeLaTorre. Please include your name and clearly indicate the agenda item number you wish to address. If a speaker seeks to address non-agendized matters during a regular meeting, the email should indicate “Public Comment – Non-Agendized Matter.” Should the public speaker not want their name stated publicly, please specify at the top of the message.
    2. In order to be read aloud during the meeting, comments must be received the day before the SSC meeting.
    3. During special meetings, public comment is limited to items on the agenda.

    During the meeting, comments will be read aloud by the ELAC Chairperson and they will be added to the meeting minutes. Please note, the Board may exercise its discretion regarding the amount of time for each public comment depending on the number of emails received. As with in-person meetings, the English Learner Advisory Committee respects the right of the public to comment on ELAC matters. The content of messages should be civil and appropriate for a public meeting of an ELAC.

    We thank you for your cooperation during these unprecedented times.