Welcome to the GATE Program

  • The goal of the Bakersfield City School District GATE Program is to identify and nurture student potential.  Services are designed to be highly motivating and varied in content and approach.  Using differentiated instruction, teachers guide students toward further understanding and discovery in order to satisfy the gifted students; need for a more challenging curriculum.  

    GATE Characteristics 

    • Ability to comprehend material above grade level 
    • Strong sense of curiosity 
    • Creative problem solving and imaginative expression 
    • Enthusiastic about unique interests and topics 
    • Absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed
    • Self-aware, socially aware, and aware of global issues

Contact Information

  • GATE Office
    Phone: 661-631-4880
    Fax: 661-324-3187

    Owens Elementary
    2nd – 6th grade
    815 Potomac St.

    Stiern Middle School
    6th - 8th grade
    551 Morning Drive

    Chipman Junior High
    7th - 8th grade
    2905 Eissler Street