Effective October 1, 2015, Walgreens Pharmacy will no longer be accepting our Insurance.  Please contact Navitus Member Services for assistance in locating a pharmacy in your area.

     SISC had notified the District that, effective APRIL 1, 2014, our current Express Script prescription plan will be replaced by Navitus.

    In Mid-March 2014, each subscriber and spouse were mailed a new Anthem Blue Cross ID card.  These new cards have the Navitus logo.  Your Medical group number and ID number did not change.  Dependent ID cards are not automatically issued.  For additional dependent cards please contact Member Services at 1-800-322-5709. In March, members also received a separate Welcome Package from Navitus that offers simple instructions on how to take full advantage on all of their services, including mail-order prescriptions.

    • PCN: NVT
    • BIN:  610602
    • RX Group:  SISC
    • Navitus Customer Service:  1-866-333-2757 

    Our new mail order provider is Costco. This is not your local Costco store, it is a separate company.  They can be reached at 1-800-607-6861.  Please see attached flyer and enrollment form for additional information.

    Our benefits are as follows:

    • Medication copays: Retail 30 day supply of a Generic medication $3, Brand medication $15.  Retail 90 day supply of a Generic medication $9, Brand medication $45.
    • Mail order 90 day supply of a Generic medication $9, Brand medication $35.

    Effective January 1, 2013 you are eligible to receive vaccines through your local participating pharmacy with a $ZERO copay.  Please note if the pharmacy charges an administration fee this is 100% reimbursable through Navitus.

    Effective October 1, 2016 you are able to pick up a 90 day supply of your medications at Costco pharmacy only.

    Effective July 1, 2011, if you purchase a brand-name medication that has a generic equivalent, you will pay your $3 generic co-pay, plus the difference in the cost between the brand and generic medication price.  This additional cost will apply even if your doctor writes “DAW” (dispense as written) on the prescription.  If your doctor feels it is medically necessary for you to receive the brand name medication an authorization must be obtained by contacting Navitus.

    Effective October 1, 2014, you may purchase a 90 day supply of most generic medications (excludes pain medications and cough syrup) for a $Zero copay at your local Costco and through Costco Mail Order!