Business Services Forms & Information
Forms & Information
- Ambulance Call Report
- Conflict of Interest Form
- Consultant Agreement Information
- Contracts & Agreements
- Crossing Guard Request
- Request to be Absent
- SISC Claims for Damages Form
- SISC Student Accident Claim Form
Ambulance Call Report
- Please contact the district office as soon as possible once a 911 call is placed to request emergency services. District staff will complete the Ambulance Call Report which, when submitted electronically, will be emailed to: Tabatha Mills, Laura Orozco, Andrea Selvey, Cindy Elmore, Natalie Rosales, Alfonso Ceja, Brooke Smothers-Strizic, Rocio Munoz, Christine Chapman, Mark Luque, Jose Vargas Jr., Martin Ramirez, Mike Havens, Sandy Menendez, Sherry Gladin, Christine Cornejo, Tim Fulenwider, Terri Lindsey and Tricia Woods.
Conflict of Interest Form
Members of the Board of Education, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, administrators, and principals are required to file an annual Form 700: Statement of Economic Interest (Conflict of Interest Statement), covering the period January through December, 2025 THIS IS MANDATORY.
If you have no interests to report, complete PAGE 5 contained within your packaged Statement, sign it, and return it to the office of the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services.
If you DO have interests to report, you must complete the appropriate form(s) along with PAGE 5 , sign it, and return all completed forms to the office of the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services.
Please do not use pencil when completing your forms. Please type or print in BLUE INK, as requested by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Please use the links below to access information to assist you in completing your form. If more information is needed, please visit the FPPC website or contact the Business Services Office at 661-631-4678 or
Consultant Agreement Information
Below are directions, due dates and forms that will be needed to complete a Consultant Agreement. Please review the “Check List” and the “Flow Chart” to review the updates to the consultant process. Any questions pertaining to Consultant Agreements may be directed to Tricia Woods at x14678.
- The New Consultant Process 2024
- Consultant Agreement Process Check-Off 2024
- Consultant Process
- Board Meeting and Consultant Agreement Due Dates 2024-25
Completed consultant agreement packets will include the following forms:
Please note that all forms have been updated. Please replace any existing forms on your computer with the forms listed below.
NOTE: The name on the Consultant Agreement, Requisition, and the W‐9 should match
- Agreement for Consultant Services (rev 7/2016) – When using the interactive agreement, do not use plain paper. Only use store stock form #300326 and submit all 5 copies in this order: white (bright), white (less bright), yellow, green, and pink. The 3/2016 revision includes verbiage for the IRS standard mileage rate along with acknowledgements for STRS retirees and invoices from consultants. Example of Agreement for Consultant Services.
- W-9 (rev 3/2024) - W9
- Consultant Agreement Informational Memorandum (rev 7/2016)- A pamphlet or website posting may be included with memo. - Consultant Agreement Informational Memo
- Pre-encumbering Requisition – All requisitions must follow the format outlined in this Example of Pre-Encumbering Requisition - Requisition Sample 2024
Payment of Consultants will be processed using the following forms:
Earnings limits for STRS retirees are as follows:
- 2017-18 $43,755
- 2018-19 $45,022
- 2019-20 $46,451
- 2020-21 $47,713
- 2021-22 $48,428
- 2022-23 $49,746
- 2023-24 $50,655
Contracts & Agreements
Crossing Guard Request
If you receive a request from a parent regarding obtaining the services of a crossing guard at a specific location for your school site, the principal must prepare one of the attached form letters on your school-site letterhead. If your school is located within the “city,” your letter would be addressed to the City of Bakersfield. If your school is located within the “county,” your letter would be addressed to the County of Kern. You send only ONE letter – not a letter to the city and county. Please send this office a copy of your request. Upon receiving notification from either the Public Works Department OR the County of Kern as to whether or not a crossing guard is recommended, please send this office a copy of their letter.
- Letter template for Bakersfield City (rev 1/2024) - Crossing Guard Request County
- Letter template for Kern County (rev 1/2024) - Crossing Guard Request City
Request to be Absent
All users must enter their absence in the district’s SmartFind Express system upon receiving approval of absence.
SISC Claims for Damages Form
- Claim for Damages (English)
- Claim for Damages (Spanish)
SISC Student Accident Claim Form
Student Accident Coverage Reporting and Claim Filing Procedure (English and Spanish form included)