Event Request Form
The health and safety of our students and staff are of the utmost importance to the Bakersfield City School District. As such, requests regarding guest speakers and events are carefully considered before approval. Submitting a request does not guarantee approval. Please wait for approval confirmation from the Communications Department before moving forward with any event or guest plans. Questions may be directed to Jose Vargas Jr., Communications Admin. Secretary at vargasjo@bcsd.com . Thank you for your support and understanding.
Board Policy Regarding Assemblies, Special Events, and Guest Speakers
In accordance with Board Policy 400.19, assemblies and special events or speaker requests are intended to promote a positive District and/or school climate and be related to the District's education program. Be advised that the Governing Board prohibits assemblies and special events or guests that include the following activities:
- Demonstrations of hypnotism.
- Presentations by individuals with a felony conviction or any criminal conviction involving sex or children unless approved directly by the Governing Board.
- Presentations for purchases or paid services.
- Presentations that have the effect of being religiously oriented or a religious celebration.
- Presentations involving materials that have not been pre-approved for distribution.
- The use of animals is prohibited on a school campus by law or Board Policy.
Guidelines for Approval of Speakers, Entertainers, or Exhibits
In accordance with Board Policy 400.19, approval of assemblies and events which feature outside speakers, entertainers, or exhibits (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Speakers") are subject to the following guidelines:
- Speakers featured in assemblies and events must be carefully selected and represent a balanced viewpoint.
- Speakers shall agree to present material of educational relevance that is appropriate to the maturity of the audience, with no statements that are obscene, vulgar, or that incite violence.
- Speakers shall show and/or demonstrate qualifications in the subject area related to the assembly or event.
- Speakers shall possess the ability to make an interesting, informative, and meaningful presentation.
- Speakers shall convey subjects that are timely, appropriate, and extend and/or enhance the regular program of instruction.
Submitting Requests for Approval
Request forms should be submitted fourteen days in advance for review and approval with an estimated response within seven days. This form is for event and speaker approval only. Other related requests for guest attendance or event services should be handled as follows:
- If you would like the Board of Education or the Superintendent to attend your event, you must submit a request to the office of the Superintendent.
- If you wish to have BCSD Administrators attend, a separate invitation should be made to their respective offices.
- If you are requesting the services of the Communications Department, a separate request must be made by filling out the required forms on our website or by contacting Jose Vargas Jr, Communications Admin. Secretary.