School Accountability Report Cards
The School Accountability Report Cards were established by Proposition 98, an initiative passed by California voters. As you read the report cards, you will gain a better understanding of District schools, with faculties that are professionally skilled and personally committed to meet the learning needs of students, and student bodies that are enthusiastic and motivated to perform well.
This site is maintained by the Bakersfield City School District Department of Data & Assessment and has been updated to reflect the 2021 school year. If you have any questions or suggestions for this site, please contact us at Data & Assessment.
Elementary Schools
- Casa Loma
- Chavez
- College Heights
- Downtown
- Eissler
- Evergreen
- Fletcher
- Frank West
- Franklin
- Fremont
- Garza
- Harding
- Harris
- Hills
- Horace Mann
- Hort
- Jefferson
- King
- Longfellow
- McKinley
- Mt. Vernon
- Munsey
- Nichols
- Noble
- Owens
- Pauly
- Pioneer Drive
- Rafer Johnson
- Roosevelt
- Thorner
- Voorhies
- Wayside
- William Penn
- Williams