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After School Sports

The Bakersfield City School District (“District”) Athletics Program shall be conducted separately from the regular school program. These activities are not graded and do not offer credit. Requirements for participation in this program shall be limited to those that are essential to the success of the activity. No student shall be prohibited from participating in the program because of the inability to pay fees associated with the program. All athletic activities are open to all students, irrespective of sex or gender identity.

Sports Summary

Each school and district offering competitive athletics must make all of the following information publicly available at the end of the school year: (1) total enrollment of the school, classified by gender; (2) number of students enrolled at the school who participate in competitive athletics, classified by gender; and (3) number of boys' and girls' teams, classified by sport and competition level. (Education Code Section 221.9(a)) The below information links provide the required information: (a) reflecting the total number of players on a team roster on the first official day of team competition; and (b) since individual schools do not maintain sports information website's, the information for each school is is aggregated by school site.

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