District Advisory Committee
District Advisory Committee
The District Advisory Committee (DAC) is a volunteer committee required by state law. The committee is made up of one parent representative from each school site that receives State Compensatory Education funds. The funds are given to schools based on free and reduced lunch count and target students who test less than proficient. When a school receives these funds, a school advisory committee is formed with parents and staff. Representatives are encouraged to share information with their School Site Council.
The goals and objectives of the DAC are to review the Consolidated Programs, provide advice, assistance, and advisory recommendations to the BCSD Board of Education on the Consolidated Funding Program, and provide input to educational projects funded under Title I/ SCE and support parental educational programs as it pertains to the goals and objectives of this committee. The ultimate goal is to improve the education of students participating in State Compensatory Education or Title I Programs.
For more information, contact Christine Meza, FACE Representative, at (661) 631-4513 or mezac@bcsd.com.