Michelle Santoyo, Employment Office Supervisor
(661) 631-4876 • santoyom@bcsd.com
Management, supervisory, certificated, classified job opportunity bulletins, orientation, and testing
Tanya David, Career Recruitment Specialist
(661) 631-4830 • davidt@bcsd.com
Job recruitment fairs, career outreach, job opportunity bulletins, orientations, and testing
Jennifer Evans, Human Resources Technician II
(661) 631-4863 • evansj@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientations, and testing
Raudebette Tero, Human Resources Technician II
(661) 631-4877 • teror@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientations, and testing
Eryn Justice, Human Resources Technician II
(661) 631-4839 • justicee@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientations, and testing
Celia Vega, Human Resources Technician II
(661) 631-4787 • vegac@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientation, and testing
Maria Hernandez, Human Resources Technician II, Bilingual
(661) 631-4898 • hernandezmariad@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientation, and testing
Brenda Madrigal, Human Resources Technician II, Bilingual
(661) 631-4648 • madrigalb@bcsd.com
Classified job opportunity bulletins, orientations, and testing