Migrant Education School Readiness Program (MESRP)
The Migrant Education School Readiness Program (MESRP) serves pre-k migrant students on Saturdays from 9am-2:30pm. The program utilizes the California Preschool Learning Foundations to create a nurturing environment where participating students can learn to become thriving students. In addition to providing literacy support in both students' primary language and English, the program offers a rigorous Social Emotional Learning experience.
The POW Academy for students in TK-8 Grade
The Program of Overall Wellness, also known as the POW Academy, is hosted throughout the year at BCSD and gives students access to high-quality social, emotional, and/or academic instruction on Saturdays. This academy utilizes content in the overall wellness areas of fitness, nutrition, organic & environmental systems, character development, sportsmanship, and social studies to drive skill development in core areas as well as build confidence in peer interactions and language use.
Saturday Academies for students in TK-8 Grade
Saturday academies are aligned with BCSD instructional cycles where students receive high-quality customized instruction differentiated to support their individual social, emotional, and academic growth targets in ELA and Math. Speech and Debate classes provide opportunities for students to prepare, practice, and participate in district, local and state competitions. Other opportunities also include STEAM, Project Based Learning, sports, and Visual and Performing Arts elements. Academies take place on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, and they offer a variety of culture and self-pride workshops for students, parents, and staff.
Extended Learning Instruction
Students can participate in extended learning instruction two to three days weekly and focus on English, Language Arts, Math, ELD, Social Emotional Learning, Culture Awareness, and Self-Pride lessons. Instruction is differentiated to meet the specific needs of participating students and as is delivered by collaborating team members responsible for core instruction. Participating students can build their home and digital libraries to continue developing their literacy skills.
Cultural Awareness and Self-Pride Workshops
Throughout the year, the program provides a variety of multicultural opportunities for family and staff engagement. Some of the topics include:
- Mariachi and Folklorico Dance Presentations
- History of the Mariachi
- Día de Los Muertos Unit of Study
- Literacy Development and Appreciation by Children's Author
- Fairy Tales Unit of Study
- Culture Awareness in Regard to Parenting Styles
Social Emotional Learning Workshops
The program supports our families and staff with various workshops addressing social and emotional needs.
- Family Relationships and Good Mental Health workshops
- Developmental Stages and Family Emotional Support
- Fostering a Growth Mindset and Strategies to Overcome Difficult Times and Reach Success
Understanding the US School System Parent Workshops
Parent workshops designed to understand the US School System are provided throughout the year and may cover the following topics:
- The U.S. School System
- Parent Engagement: Evidence-Based Strategies
- Never too Early to Plan for Your Child’s High School Diploma
- Understanding Career Technical Education
- Learning Educational Vocabulary
- Pathway to University
- Overall Wellness: Mental Health, Nutrition, Healthy Habits
- Communication & Leadership
Literacy and Math Family Activities
Students and their families can attend Literacy and Math activities to learn strategies designed to better understand the K-8th ELA and Math common core standards progression. Participants receive books and materials to add to their home libraries. Pre-K students also have their own Literacy, Math and Mental Health workshops focusing on an array of early childhood development activities for parents to continue providing home support.
Site-Based Summer Programs
Every Summer, the Migrant Education Department provides the opportunity for students to participate in the 21st Century Summer Academy, which allows opportunities for Project Based Learning (PBL) with a focus on developing communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking in an environment which is culturally and linguistically responsive to student needs. As part of the academy, students continue to refine their reading, writing, math, and STEAM skills. In addition to this opportunity, a select group of students participates in the STEM Program at CSU Bakersfield.
Residential-Based Summer Programs
Students can participate in residential programs during the summer. These programs include an opportunity for incoming 8th grade students to participate in the Applied Mathematics Academy at University of California at Santa Barbara.