District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
The goals and objectives of DELAC are to provide advice, assistance, and advisory recommendations to the administration and the Board of Education for the continuing improvement of the general education of English-language learners.
DELAC informs parent representatives so they can take the information back to the school site. Topics that will be addressed this year include understanding ELPAC data, student reclassification, ELD requirements, LCAP, and categorical program monitoring.
All DELAC meetings are open to the public. Meetings are held each month from 9:00 am -11:00 am in-person at the District Office in the PDC. For more information on DELAC, please contact Goretti Torres in Multilingual Education Programs at 631-4833.
Dora Prado, Chairperson
Tania Cortez, Vice-Chairperson
Adriana Paredes, Secretary
Elizabeth Ramos, Sergeant at Arms
meeting dates