Education Specialist Teacher Residency
Program Overview
The Education Specialist Teacher Residency-Bakersfield (ESTR-B) seeks excellent elementary and junior high teachers who will serve as a mentor for participating residents. The Education Specialist Teacher Residency-Bakersfield is a teacher preparation program for graduate students seeking to earn their Education Specialist Credential in either Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) or Extensive Support Needs (ESN). ESTR-B is a unique residency program that consists of a partnership between California State University, Bakersfield and the Bakersfield City School District. Upon proficient completion of the residency, the highly trained residents will become teachers within the Bakersfield City School District serving some of the highest need students in the district through special education programs.
The mentor teacher is the most vital and essential component in the Education Specialist Teacher Residency-Bakersfield. The program is a classroom-based clinical experience in which participants are placed in a yearlong residency. Residents will learn from, practice with, and execute lessons alongside a selected, highly qualified mentor teacher. Residents spend Monday through Wednesday at their school sites learning alongside their mentor. Thursdays will be focused on university coursework. On Fridays residents will substitute teach to gain a range of experience.
In order to be a suitable fit for this role, a mentor teacher shall demonstrate effective instruction, collaboration, and planning for both students and adults. The mentor teacher will be systematically trained to enhance their skills to provide feedback, coaching, and evaluation of performance for the resident. Mentors will utilize data on resident performance to inform and adjust supportive interventions. Mentors must commit to gradually releasing responsibilities to the resident while providing feedback, and experiences to ultimately lead the classroom.
In this residency program, the mentor will share their classroom with the resident making it a very intense mentoring relationship. The mentor is ultimately the one held accountable for student learning outcomes, which means mentors have a critical role in the evaluation of resident performance. The mentor not only determines the residents readiness to gradually take over instruction, but is also a pillar of success and support for the residency for the term of the program and beyond.
To fill this uniquely demanding position, the ESTR-B leadership team will use a strategic and targeted mentor selection process which can include but not limited to the following: an informational session, application, lesson observation, pairs training, and ongoing monthly professional development.
Professional Development & Educational Conferences
Residents and Mentors will have monthly professional development to help grow teacher capacity and encourage collaboration. There will be an opportunity to attend an educational conference to continue learning about current and innovative teaching strategies.
Clinical Practice & Coursework
Resident Teachers in the Education Specialist Teacher Residency - Bakersfield participate in clinical practice 3 days per week, Tuesday-Thursday, with their experienced and passionate Mentor Teacher. Coursework will be held on Monday during their workday at a Bakersfield City school site.
Contact Information
Kasie Cisneros
Program Specialist ESTR-B
(661) 631-4685
Matthew Kabel
CSUB Residency Coordinator
(661) 654-2458