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Vendor Relations

Vendor Relations

A purchase order is issued for all purchases. Only the Purchasing staff has the authority to issue or revise purchase orders.

The Department of Stores and Purchasing staff wish to cultivate and maintain professional relationships with all vendors and continue to increase our knowledge of products and equipment available. Therefore, vendors are required to conduct their business directly with the Purchasing Office.

Vendors may not visit District sites without prior authorization.

When appropriate, the Director of Stores and Purchasing will make arrangements for demonstrations whether at school locations or at the vendors' business location. Buyers will attend most demonstrations.  It is kindly requested all office visits be prescheduled.   

Purchases made by Maintenance and Operations for emergency repair parts or for materials necessary for continuing work in progress also require purchase order numbers. Purchase order numbers are issued by Purchasing to Maintenance and Operations staff to obtain these types of materials. Orders accepted by the vendor without the issuance of a purchase order by Purchasing or Maintenance and Operations staff will be considered the responsibility of the individual placing the order and will not be considered an obligation of the District.

Therefore, it is important to contact the Department of Stores and Purchasing regarding any orders placed by other District personnel prior to acceptance of the order.