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SPSA and Addendums

School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a written plan developed by the school community describing the school program and how resources will be used to meet the supplemental educational and related needs of participating students. The purpose of the School Plan for Student Achievement is:

1. To create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance

2. To raise the academic performance of all students to the level of state achievement standards

The SPSA must integrate the purposes and requirements of programs in which the school participates. Title I actions are approved by the School Site Council (SSC) and submitted within the SPSA or Addendum. Accordingly, the SPSA must be consistent with the federally required Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA), the state-required Local Agency Control Plan (LCAP), and identify how federal requirements will be implemented. Any major change in the school plan requires an SPSA Addendum.

The SPSA should be a living document that guides decision-making and the work of the school throughout the year.

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SPSA Forms and Resources