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Extra Time

Extra Time

Extra Time: The purpose of extra time must match the intent of the funding source and support SPSA goals & strategies:

The extra time requisition description field to include:

  • What the extra time is for?
  • Who is receiving the extra time?
  • When (dates for the extra time)?
  • Why/How- How the extra time benefited the program (what was the extra time used for… specific PD)?
  • SPSA Goal & Strategy?

Time card description of daily activities and actual time worked must align to the description of approved extra time requisition. Supporting documentation must align to the description of approved extra time requisition.

Extra Time / Overtime Procedures & Documentation Using SPSA Funds

  • Extra time is earned before or after contract hours (sometimes during 30 minute duty free lunch) to support an activity or strategy in the SPSA.

Additional Information