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Welcome to Visual and Performing Arts!

The Visual and Performing Arts Department aims to provide students with access to education in the visual and performing arts. A leader across the nation, the department works to ensure a collaborative and supportive learning community, inspiring all students to achieve academic and artistic excellence, ultimately becoming life-long learners and productive citizens.  The importance of visual and performing arts in the development of children has been well recognized as highly beneficial. The arts positively impact academic performance, assists in developing social skills, and provides an outlet for creativity that is crucial to a child’s development. Education in the arts catapults a child’s learning to new heights and is a pivotal part of a child’s educational process.

Contact Information

Michael Stone
Coordinator II
(661) 631-4810

Donna Felix    
Administrative Secretary    
(661) 631-4774

Ryan Clippinger    
Academic Coach    
(661) 631-4753

Theresa Delgado    
Clerk VI    
(661) 631-4789

David Green    
Academic Coach    
(661) 631-4783

VAPA Festivals, Concerts & Events

Additional Information

Courses of Study and Curriculum

Best Communities for Music Education


Bakersfield City School District Recognized Nationally for Eleventh Consecutive Year As One of the Best Communities for Music Education, District Heralded for Support of Music Education

The NAMM (National Association of Music Music Merchants) Foundation has again recognized the Bakersfield City School District for its outstanding commitment to music education with the prestigious Best Communities for Music Education designation. This marks the eighth consecutive year that the district’s music program has earned this honor.

In its 23rd year, Best Communities for Music Education affirms school districts that have demonstrated exceptional efforts toward maintaining music education as part of the schools’ core curriculum. The recognition rests on school district funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, and support for the music program and community music-making programs. “Music education is a valuable component in the school curriculum. Music provides students a way to uniquely express themselves, develop strong interpersonal skills, and learn skills necessary for success in the 21st Century.

The Bakersfield City School District is proud of the many accomplishments of its music program, faculty, and students.” said Michael Stone, Coordinator of the Visual and Performing Arts with the District. “The Best Communities for Music Education designation affirms the District’s belief that all children should have access to quality music education. Our students receive a first-class education!”  This distinction is the tenth consecutive award earned by the Bakersfield City School District.